Breaking Barriers and the hardest Glass Ceiling in The White House -- Created in honor of Vice President Kamala Harris


Originally designed in 2021 in honor of Kamala Harris, our first woman Vice President of the United States of America. Now Kamala is breaking barriers and the hardest Glass Ceiling in the White House, and is the Democratic nominee for President in 2024. She is the first African American and South Asian American woman to be elected to the position of Vice President of the United States. She is breaking invisible barriers — glass ceilings and paving the way for others to follow.

In her victory speech, Vice President Harris spoke of her mother and the generations of women of all races who paved the way for this moment.

"While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities."

Kamala Harris
U.S. Vice President



Vivian Shimoyama is a glass fusion artist. Her collection of artwork started with her desire to promote the advancement of women and people of color. Vivian designed a glass brooch symbolizing breaking barriers, Breakthru ... The Glass Ceiling.

The glass ceiling has been known as the invisible barrier that women and people of color bump up against in all walks of life.

“It was wonderful to see you and finally, to be able to thank you personally for Breaking the Glass Ceiling. I love the pin and was so glad to have another one. I was thrilled to see the exhibit in Little Rock. They did a great job. You were so nice to come out for it. So much to do together."

Madeleine Albright
Former U.S. Secretary of State



Sisters Lead Sisters Vote was formed and founded by a group of Black women leaders to be a voice for the interests of Black women and their families. 

Vivian Shimoyama custom designed Special Edition jewelry that is a symbol of change and to honor Black women making a difference. A portion of the proceeds from each piece goes to their groundbreaking work!

"Black women aren't just a powerful voting block, but capable and confident leaders who should be voted into office, too. Black women are uniquely qualified for leadership at this time."

Felicia Davis
Sisters Lead Sisters Vote
Vice Chair